Militant members of a nationalistic Buddhist sect, Soka Gakkai, have forged a powerful, highly disciplined organization of growing importance to Japanese politics. Riding high on the revival of religion and nationalism in Japan, the Soka Gakkai now claims over nine million members, or 10 percent of the population. It has recently strengthened its position in local government, has the third largest representation in the Upper House of the Diet, and may enter the lists for the Lower House in the next general election. Its orientation is ambiguous, and it might throw a decisive weight in the political scales either to the right or the left.
Militant members of a nationalistic Buddhist sect(好戦的で民族主義的な仏教宗派)という凄まじいパワーワードで始まる。この当時の創価学会ー部隊旗やら軍歌調の学会歌ーを見れば、確かに上記評価は適当であると評せれるだろう。サマリーの後半部分には、米国が創価学会の何に注目していたかがはっきりと読み取れる。創価学会の政治力であり、それが左右どちらに振れるかという点だ。
1. 戦前の創価学会とその起源
2. 戦後の拡大
3. リーダー池田大作
4. 海外での成長
5. 最近の政治的成功
6. 政治的方向性
7. 今後の展望
1. Prewar Origin (戦前の創価学会とその起源)
The Soki Gakkai -- literally the Value Creation Academic Society--began as an obscure secular group some 30 year ago. Its members now regard its founder, Jozaburo Makiguchi, as a reincarnation of the 13th century Buddhist reformer Nichiren.
He organized his "value-creating education society" to publicize and promote his highly pragmatic theory, and linked it with religious faith by adhering to the Shoshu sect of Nichiren Buddhism.
His fanatical support of the sect's deification of Nichiren appeared to Japan's military rulers in 1943 as a threat to the Shinto-supported Emperor, and Makiguchi and his principal followers were jailed. He died in prison in 1944.
牧口常三郎と学会の起源について、簡単にまとめられている。牧口常三郎を”Jozaburo Makiguchi”と間違った綴りで紹介しているが、学会内では牧口先生、牧口会長、初代会長そういう言い方が一般的だったと思われるので、英語文献もほぼ存在しなかったであろう当時、常三郎を”Jozaburo”と発音するものと勘違いしたのだろう。
2.Postwar Expansion (戦後の拡大)
Makiguchi's favorite disciple, Josei Toda, was largely responsible for reviving the movement after the war. He combined evangelism and a shrewd business sense.
Toda's genius produced funds, publicity, and above all dynamic young leadership. His personal knowledge of the yearnings of insecure youth and his organizational flair set the Gakkai on a continuously successful course, in contrast to the languishings of most other "new religions."
Gakkai's claims to represent the orthodox line of Nichiren Buddhism have been hotly but ineffectively disputed.
It has continually denounced and violently attacked its rivals, asserting that the Gakkai represents the one true religion which is destined to become Japan's national faith.
After becoming president of the society in 1951, Toda launched a membership drive featuring forcible conversion or shakubuku--literally "beat down and subdue." The society gained great numbers of new recruits and much notoriety.
Success has given the Gakkai greater confidence and patience and now it is using somewhat subtler methods of coercion.
Although such an approach to religious conversations may be a poor guarantee of permanence and depth of faith, the elan of the youth, the impact of refurbished superstitions, and the disciplined surveillance of potential deserters--who are threatened with the direst sanctions--have reduced or obscured the dropout rate.
宗教対話に対するこのようなアプローチは、信仰の永遠性とその深さに対する貧弱な保証かもしれないが、若者の活力、一新された迷信の衝撃、潜在的脱落者への統制された監視-彼らは最も厳しい制裁で脅かされる-は、 脱会率を削減ないし人目のつかないものにしている。
A youth corps Toda formed spearheaded the aggressive conversion campaign couched in terms of a crusade or "holy war."
The corps is organized and rigidly disciplined on military lines.
Uniforms, unit colors and martial music are reminiscent of both prewar Japan and the Hitler Youth. At Toda's death in 1958 the corps had over 200,000 members; it now has over 800,000.
The most significant development during Toda's incumbency was the society's decision in 1955 to enter politics, initially at the local level.
Political action may have been developer as one more technique for demonstrating how the saint Nichiren, working through the Gakkai, could help his followers.
The decision was apparently prompted by a struggle with the trade union and socialist leadership in Hokkaido for the allegiance of local coal miners.
戦後間もない頃の創価学会が、アメリカの目からどう評価されていたかが良くわかる。赤字で強調したが、青年部を「戦前の日本やヒトラーユーゲントを彷彿とさせる」と表現している。学会の折伏運動の激しさもしっかり理解されていたようで、折伏を”beat down and subdue”と言い表しているのは、直訳とはいえ強烈である。
3. Leader Daisaku Ikeda (リーダー池田大作)
In the two years following Toda's death, Daisaku Ikeda, a favored youth corps leader and deputy director of the society, gradually consolidated his control, and although only in his thirties, was installed as president in 1960. He is the paragon of postwar leaders who are making the Gakkai so successful.
Of humble origins and no kin to Japan's prime minister, Ikeda as a teenager was handicapped by Japan's postwar malaise. He was unable to complete his education and had an illness which he claims was cured by association with Toda and the Gakkai.
池田は地味な出自で、また日本国首相である池田勇人とは血縁関係はなく、10代の頃、戦後の日本の沈滞によってハンデを負わされた。 池田は学業を終えることができず、また病気を患っていた-戸田や学会と縁したことで救われたと池田は主張する。
He worked in Toda's publishing house and in a related firm while being tutored in the ways of the society. After 1951 he rose rapidly to a top position in the youth corps and then moved on to Gakkai headquarters. He was instrumental in stalemating leftist and labor union resistance in Hokkaido.
池田は戸田の出版社や関連会社で働きながら学会の中で指導を受けた。 1951年以降、青年団の幹部に急浮上し、学会本部に移った。彼は北海道において、左翼や労働組合の抵抗を沈静化するのに貢献した。
Ikeda's ability to attract votes away from the left has contributed much to Gakkai electoral successes While Ikeda is not known as an orator he is a successful evangelist who has personal magnetism and stage presence.
4. Growth Abroad (海外での成長)
Under Ikeda Gakkai membership has proliferated abroad and among aliens, as well as among native-born Japanese. The sect had spread to the Ryukyus before he became president, and he quickly initiated action to extend the organization around the globe.
An "Orient Academic Research Institute" was founded to provide material for a Far and Middle East mission, at pretent mostly in Okinawa. The Gakkai claims to have 7,000 households in the Ryukyus now.
「東洋学術研究所」が、極東、中近東、現在は特に沖縄への布教のための資料提供を目的に設立された。 現在、琉球に7,000世帯があるという。
The society is apparently growing in the US, attracting principally Americans of Japanese descent. It had about 7,500 members here in 1962. Ikeda made his first trip to set up branches in the US in 1960 and has returned on several occasions.
学会はアメリカにおいて、主に日系アメリカ人を中心に伸びているようだ。1962年当時は7,500人の会員がいた。 池田は、アメリカ支部の準備のため1960年に初めてアメリカへ行き、その後何度か訪れている。
He had hoped to meet President Kennedy this spring to represent the wishes of "one million Japanese youth" that nuclear testing be ended, but canceled his trip, apparently out of pique over a casual reference to his society as "heretical" on the part of a spokesman for the governing Liberal Democratic Party.
The Gakkai has also attracted American servicemen stationed in or returned from Japan through their Japanese girl friends or wives. US Forces Japan reports members at practically all bases, numbering at least 450 men, and another 1,500 previously assigned to Japan may have joined. The Society had begun publishing some of its propaganda in English.
5. Recent Political Success (最近の政治的成功)
Under Ikeda, Soka Gakkai has steadily improved its extraordinary record for winning in local and Upper House elections, as political action assumed an important place in the society's program.
In the local elections of 1959 the Gakkai elected all of its 76 candidates to the Tokyo ward assemblies and over 90 percent of its contestants to other municipal assemblies. When in 1962 it elected all nine of its candidates to the Upper House, it became the third largest party there.
Increasing political activity led Soka Gakkai to create a separate organization to conduct its campaigns. In 1962 this "Fair Politics League" took over political action responsibilities from an informal staff in Ikeda's headquarters, enabling the parent organization to maintain a primarily religious image.
Provisions for Upper House elections enable the League to muster its tightly knit organization for the greatest national impact. Elections for the politically more potent Lower House are run on a basis that would impede similar reflection of highly disciplined but localized strength.
Although it has not yet felt the time ripe to enter general elections for the Lower House, the League is steadily developing potentialities to exploit in that key contest when it wishes.
6. Political Orientation (政治的方向性)
Through all these successes, the society's political orientation has remained ambiguous. At the outset, the Gakkai denounced both major parties and called for a general clean up of politics.
Since then it has increasingly espoused widely popular demands such as opposition to nuclear testing and rearmament, return of both the Ryukyu and Kuril islands, closer ties, especially economic, with mainland China, and sweeping social welfare measures.
The organization has indicated it opposes any revision of the constitution to modify Article 9 which formally renounces war and war-making potential. Municipal assemblymen belonging to the sect have participated in recent efforts to block visits of US nuclear-propelled submarines.
The amorphous character of the Gakkai's political stand suggests that it could go either to right or left.
Japanese intellectuals tend to relegate the Gakkal to the "lunatic fringe" on the far right because of its military style organization and espousal of nationalist aims. At the same time its self-styled "new socialism" includes emphasis on social welfare and on major foreign policy goals which coincide with those of the left.
日本の識者は、学会の軍隊式の組織と民族主義的な目的の信奉であるという理由から、 学会を極右の「過激派」に分類する傾向がある。同時に、創価学会が自称する「新しい社会主義」は社会福祉を強調し、主要な外交政策目標は左派のそれと一致している。
Ikeda calls for a synthesis incorporating the "good points" of both dialectical materialism and "Christian" capitalism to provide Japan with a fundamental philosophy under which it can prosper in peace.
池田は、日本が平和裏に繁栄するための基本的な哲学を提供するために、弁証法的唯物論とキリスト教的資本主義の良い点の統合を呼びかけている 。
In any event, nationalism, long anathema in postwar Japan, is making a comeback, and the Gakkai is in the vanguard with its symbols and slogans, its flags and its loyalties, and its general encouragement of traditional Japanese arts.
Moreover, its missionary effort accords with Nichiren's belief that it would be Japan's role to carry "the light of Asia" back to Buddhism's original home in South Asia and hence throughout the world.
7. Prospects (今後の展望)
Some Japanese political observers hold that the Gakkai is at last approaching a political zenith, having attracted the maximum following from depressed elements of society. The Gakkai will probably continue to profit some from trends toward urbanization.
The great bulk of Gakkai membership is concentrated in the industrial centers where it appeals to newly arrived rural immigrants, as to the "lonely crowd" of the diseased, the dispossessed and the frustrated.
In most cases the Gakkai has cut more heavily into left-wing votes than it has into the conservatives'. Its bargaining position has been progressively improved as the left slowly rises and the conservatives decline. Thus both ideologically and tactically Soka Gakkai's political arm occupies a central place in Japanese politics. While it can move in either direction, in a national crisis its nationalist orientation suggests it would probably throw its weight toward the right.
1. 学会員の多くが生活的に落ち着いたこと
2. 天皇制を受け入れ国教化を諦めたこと
3. 70年代後半に安全保障政策を変更したこと